The escape plan is essential for the safety of your guests and crew. It is usually merged with the fire control and safety plan so information is immediately visualised. However, we can produce plans with escape routes signs and equipment location only.

Uniform international symbols for escape plans

Precise and detailed escape route signs and equipment location marking are meant to save lives in case of a fire on board or a wreck. Recognizing the need for uniform international symbols to indicate the location of emergency equipment, IMO Resolution A.1116(30) issued a list of graphical symbols to be used in safety plans on board.

All the plans we deliver are in full compliance with this resolution.

A simple process to obtain your updated escape plan

E-mail us you plan in CAD or readable PDF file with the instructions to update it.

If you have paper plans, we can redraw them on CAD. You just need to have them scanned and e-mailed to us. The redrawing process takes some time but you will receive the CAD file that will allow you to make future updates quickly.


green and white IMO symbol of assembly station for escape plans on yachts
green and white IMO symbol of emergency  position indicating radio beacon for escape plans on yachts
green and white IMO symbol of safety equipment for escape plans on yachts
green and white IMO symbol of two way VHF radio telephone apparatus for escape plans on yachts
green and white IMO symbol of embarkation ladder for escape plans on yachts
green and white IMO symbol of rescue boat for escape plans on yachts
white and green IMO symbol representing two arrows indicating the primary and secondary escape routes
green and white IMO symbol of life raft for escape plans on yachts

Also see how we can help you with your fire control plan or with your General Arrangement

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